Saturday, March 2, 2019

Redemption and..... brain-fart?

Good Afternoon!
   In my first blog, I did mentioned a schedule I created for my research blogs. If you don't remember let me offer a refresher. It contained four steps: Brainstorm story, Story research, Genre research, and More research. I am currently on my 5th blog, and I have yet to discuss my research, so here I am trying to redeem myself.
   While conducting genre research, my group mates and I found out that there is indeed a science fiction sub genre "Utopia Sci-Fi."
- Minor interference, I am currently researching the difference between the two societies, and I just realized that we are indeed creating a Dystopian society. Well that just changed everything. . .  . great.
    While I was researching my genre, I also realized that I am not really familiar with the minor differences between Utopias and Dystopias, because sometimes a Dystopia could be mistaken for a Utopia, which is what happened in my case. The clip above discussed how there is two different kinds of Dystopias, one which is chaotic and one that isn't. The Giver or Equals are two examples of movies that have incorporated two the more "organized" Dystopias, that usually lead to a rebellion by the protagonist. Also, in those societies there is also always something that is completely and utterly wrong in their leadership system, which usually leads to that snap in the protagonist.
  Basically that describes the overall idea of our introduction which concludes that our society is indeed Dystopian. This changes quite a few things, mainly the perspective of the filming processes. 
We now have to exaggerate the "idealistic" aspect of the society, the rebellion, and the plot.
It's okay this is normal. . . . right?
I am just glad we caught this minor mistake early on in the process.
Besides no one is perfect, not even Chris Evans.

I Will See You Later ;)

(got some exciting stuff coming soon)

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Hey Guys Here is my CCR, enjoy! I Will See You ...