This is the blog where I am going to be pulling a JK Rolling.
My group and I are basing and building our characters solely based off of their zodiac's basic characteristic. Since our intro is heavily dependent on the signs and their compatibility we realized that creating a background a building proper characters is best. Today I am going to be delving into my characters personalities.
The main character, V, as you already know is a Taurus. Taurus woman are known to be generous, kind, and dependable. Based on that, we are going to make V extra generous and kind, maybe have her help out people, volunteer, anything representing those characteristics. Taurus are also known for being quite stubborn, which will lead us to create that rebellion aspect, have her stubborn and determined towards accomplishing her goal. They are also known to be lazy and tend to eat a lot, which will make her relatable, humorous and down to earth.
T, our second half of the couple is going to be a Gemini. Geminis are known to be intelligent, outgoing, and adjustable. T is going to be career-based but down to go on an adventure at any moment. She is very fierce and loves a nice challenge, the rebellion. Geminis are also known to be indecisive, so although she is willing to lead, she will be hesitant towards doing certain things. Also, Geminis are extremely nosy people, which will allow our character to want to delve into the minds of people, and try to get information out of them. She loves to gather data and research to make conclusions about topics that intrigue her, and she will go on based on that.
I Will See You Later ;)
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