I am starting to dig these weekly blogs, and believe it or not, I'm starting to believe I will be looking forward to blogging, shocker. But they're starting to become therapeutic, you know? I could go off about everything I want whenever I want, its like a free form of therapy.
Anyways, let's get to the interesting topics. My group and I finally got the opportunity to discuss our project in more detail. We were able to brainstorm a couple of ideas for what we want to do with our project.
And, are you ready for it? Nawal gave me homework............how rude!
Don't worry, it wasn't anything bad, I just had to watch episode 4 season 4 "Hang the DJ" of the show Black Mirror. This episode is about these individuals that join this Utopian society in order to find their perfect person, and basically they have to go on dates with different individuals until they get paired up with their most compatible lover.
The reason I had to watch the episode was because, Nawal and Shelby got inspired by it. They liked the the whole concept of compatibility. They wanted to incorporate the idea of a Utopian society that runs on compatibility. The signs would be compatible based off of their zodiacs, and their life would revolve around that, all their friendships and intimate relationships are heavily effected on that concept.
I am actually quite excited for this!
To be honest, I don't think it'll be hard creating a Utopian society due to the fact that we live in WestOn.
Another concept we came up with in relation to the society, is creating a tattoo-a form of identity- that every individual would have on their right wrist representing their zodiac sign.
Just like the image on the right, we want to incorporate something very similar to that, we are even considering adding possible serial numbers on every person, again to highlight the idea of identity. Since both Nawal and I can do Henna, it'll be easy to work with and it lasts a couple days, so we won't have to go through the process of drawing it on numerous times.
It is weird the way my group is approaching this process, we basically have various details gathered up, but not much of the plot planned out. But realistically our details and meticulously chosen concepts are pushing us back from the final plot outline, i guess it is alright, we aren't falling behind or anything.... yet. Due to the that, I will let you guys know in my next blog all about our plot and our shooting schedules. But for now,
I Will See You Later *snaps fingers*
( I can't wait to vlog so you guys could actually see my new profound catchphrase, with the finger snap and everything!)